A lovely selection of Christmas pictures for you to browse over:
Friday, 10 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
Week Ending 3rd December 2010
The highlight of the week (so the children say) was the arrival of snow, on Tuesday. It's amazing what children can model from a white fluffy material!

We have been busily putting the finishing touches to our Concert and Choir events, and are looking forward to seeing lots of visitors, who we hope will enjoy the mince pies and warm drinks.
This week, younger children have been thinking about special times in the past, including the "Christmas Story."
Badgers Class have been looking at Henry VIII, Drake and the Spanish Armada. Hamsters have been celebrating St Andrew's Day, with Scottish flags, as well as making lots of Christmas decorations.
Our School Fayre was well attended, and the stalls and activities were busy all afternoon. As usual, the food was very popular, and as tasty as ever. Our "food" helpers do have competition though, as our "Ice a Biscuit" proved very popular. The children made sure that their biscuits had more icing than any bought in a baker's shop!! Santa's Grotto was busy, and now children are eagerly awaiting their gifts on Christmas Day, which only Father Christmas knows about...
Friday, 26 November 2010
Week Ending 26th November 2010
Friday this week saw the official opening of our new "Ladybird" classroom! Staff and children dressed as ladybirds, in a variety of black and red clothing - some children even had ladybird wings on their backs. We enjoyed a day of fun activites, including decorating ladybird biscuits, making ladybird badges and singing ladybird songs. Look out for us in the local paper, because the press photographers came along too, to record our special day.

Dates for your diary
26th November: Open Day for new classroom
27th November: Christmas Fayre 12.00 - 2.30pm
29th November: Governor Visit - guided reading
30th November: Meeting for parents - Academy status
1stDecember: Tour of School for parents of prospective children
6th December: Choir - KS2 6.00pm
7th December: Concert - Foundation and Year 1
10th December: Willow weaving
14th December: Hamsters "Sing-along"
Dates for your diary
26th November: Open Day for new classroom
27th November: Christmas Fayre 12.00 - 2.30pm
29th November: Governor Visit - guided reading
30th November: Meeting for parents - Academy status
1stDecember: Tour of School for parents of prospective children
6th December: Choir - KS2 6.00pm
7th December: Concert - Foundation and Year 1
10th December: Willow weaving
14th December: Hamsters "Sing-along"
Friday, 19 November 2010
Week Ending 19th November 2010
On Tuesday, Sharing Assembly allowed children to share their special achievements with peers, staff and families. The Hall was very busy, and children showed us samples of "Pop-Art," achievements in English and Maths, as well as dance and gymnastics.
Our Hall board is now decorated with a Dick Bruna style Nativity Scene, which sets the scene well for our Christmas Play, "The Little Blue Star."
Our Hall board is now decorated with a Dick Bruna style Nativity Scene, which sets the scene well for our Christmas Play, "The Little Blue Star."
Dates for your diaries:
E.B.L.S. Simply Red Choir (Rabbits / Badgers): Monday 6th December
"The Little Blue Star" (Hedgehogs / Otters / Squirrels): Tuesday 7th December
Hamsters Sing-along: Tuesday 14th December
This year our corridor boards will depict the story of "Dick Whittington," linked to our Milton Keynes pantomome visit.
Pantomime: Friday 7th January
Our Christmas Fayre is on Saturday 27th November 12.00 - 2.30pm. Do come along and enjoy some festive fun and food!
On 26th November, children may wear black and red clothes, and will be making their own Ladybird biscuits, as we celebrate the formal opening of our latest new room.
Friday, 12 November 2010
Week Ending 12th November 2010
We have been busily sorting Choir costumes, for our older children, this week, and making plans for the decorations in the hall. Younger children have been allocated parts in the play: "Little Blue Star," and are excitedly practising words and songs.
This week younger children have been investigating changes in materials. Did anyone spot "bubbles" flying over Eaton Bray, on Thursday?! Others have been investigating "Pop Art"... look out for their ladybird collage, by the new room.
We now have new furniture in our library - the favourite so far, being the lovely, green sofa. There are new lilac trolleys, for display books, and red trolleys for both children's and adults' lending library, which will be run by the School Council.
The theme in our corridor this year, will be "Dick Whittington," due to our Milton Keynes pantomime link... so look out for "hungry cat" and scampering mice!
This week younger children have been investigating changes in materials. Did anyone spot "bubbles" flying over Eaton Bray, on Thursday?! Others have been investigating "Pop Art"... look out for their ladybird collage, by the new room.
We now have new furniture in our library - the favourite so far, being the lovely, green sofa. There are new lilac trolleys, for display books, and red trolleys for both children's and adults' lending library, which will be run by the School Council.
The theme in our corridor this year, will be "Dick Whittington," due to our Milton Keynes pantomime link... so look out for "hungry cat" and scampering mice!
Friday, 5 November 2010
Week Ending 5th November 2010
Everyone has returned to School after a refreshing half-term break, so now it is full speed ahead to Christmas!

This year, our Hamsters will perform to parents, on their spacial party day. Younger foundation and KS1 children will present "Little Blue Star," whilst KS2 children will form EBLS "Simply Red" Choir. As always, we endeavour to deliver something new and exciting.
KS1 - Little Blue Star: Tuesday 7th December at 9.30am in the School Hall.
KS2 - EBLS "Simply Red" Choir: Monday 6th December 6pm in the School Hall.
This week, younger children have been visiting places at home and abroad, including "Rosie's Farm, Central London and Lapland. They were even surprised by a visit from Father Christmas!
Older children made Venetian Masks, and Italian Opera was heard resounding round our new "Ladybird" dome.
Next item on our busy agenda is to decorate the School, in the theme of our pantomime visit, "Dick Whittington." Oh yes it is....!!
Friday, 22 October 2010
Week Ending 22nd October 2010
As we ease our way into half term, this is some of the exciting things we have been doing this week at Eaton Bray Lower School.

On Wednesday, Hamsters Class went to story telling land on a magic carpet... they were lucky enough to have a storyteller come in to visit who entertained our youngest children with wonderful tales from her own imagination. The children were spellbound!
On Thursday, Badgers Class had a fantastic day out at Hampton Court.
Here is a report of the day from one of our Year 4s:
Our Day at Hampton Court Palace
When we arrived everybody was excited. We went to the Chapel and we were not allowed to take pictures or talk. The lady that was there told us to sit down and look at the ceiling. Then she said "Would any of you like to ask questions?" Nobody did, then she told us "Jane Seymour's heart is under the cloth!" This is because she died and Henry VIII loved her so much. After that we went to Henry's apartment. We visited a man dressed as Henry VIII and another man behind him. One of the girls took a picture of the man and the man bent down and made a weird face at her! We went to our lunch room. We only had twenty minutes for lunch then we went to the gift shop and I bought a quill, a rubber and a pen. Lastly we went on the coach. It took about two hours thirty minutes to get back to school.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Week Ending 15th October 2010
Well, another busy week has flown by. On Wednesday, a science expert demonstrated experiments in an extremely humorous manner. "How could eyes be closed, and bright flashes of light observed...?" It was a lovely, lively start to the day.
On Thursday the children's art work was displayed in the Hall, which was bulging with parents, at 3.30pm. The comments were very positive, and parents seemed delighted to purchase samples of their children's artwork.

Rabbits have been "lighting up" their classroom, and investigating circuits. I think quite a few now feel they would like to be electricians!
Squirrels and Otters have been investigating "Special Times", and produced some attractive Seder plates of food, henna hand prints and cards for Eid and Diwali.
Hedgehogs say they have been working on 2D shapes... but when observed seemed to be tasting crispy bites... in a variety of shapes though, which could only be eaten once the properties had been listed!
Badgers have been creating elaborate Rangoli patterns this week, and also looking at fables during literacy. They are very much looking forward to their trip to Hampton court next week.
Next Tuesday, there is a Sharing Assembly, when children share their achievements in the School Hall. Friday is a closure day, and the following week is half term, returning on 2nd November. Enjoy the "rest!"
On Thursday the children's art work was displayed in the Hall, which was bulging with parents, at 3.30pm. The comments were very positive, and parents seemed delighted to purchase samples of their children's artwork.
Rabbits have been "lighting up" their classroom, and investigating circuits. I think quite a few now feel they would like to be electricians!
Squirrels and Otters have been investigating "Special Times", and produced some attractive Seder plates of food, henna hand prints and cards for Eid and Diwali.
Hedgehogs say they have been working on 2D shapes... but when observed seemed to be tasting crispy bites... in a variety of shapes though, which could only be eaten once the properties had been listed!
Badgers have been creating elaborate Rangoli patterns this week, and also looking at fables during literacy. They are very much looking forward to their trip to Hampton court next week.
Next Tuesday, there is a Sharing Assembly, when children share their achievements in the School Hall. Friday is a closure day, and the following week is half term, returning on 2nd November. Enjoy the "rest!"
Friday, 8 October 2010
Week Ending 8th October 2010
Our Artwork Collection has been collected for framing, and will be on view on Thursday in the School Hall, after School. Do come along and enjoy the children's lovely artistic efforts - the range of themes is varied and exciting. Remember... you may purchase the pictures, which would make a lovely gift for Christmas.
On Friday the new School Council met for the first time, to discuss plans for the future.
Next Wednesday there is a visiting scientist, who will be giving a talk and demonstration.
Consultation Evening is on 18th October, from 5.30 - 7.30pm. Children's work will be on display and teachers will have set appointments in the Hall, should there be any queries or worries. Children are not encouraged to attend.
Year four children had a visit to a Middle School, and returned with delicious home-made pizzas. On Wednesday, Badgers went on an interesting walk around the local area.

Our Pre-School children have been learning about shapes this week, and discovering stories and songs about different shapes. A particular favourite was "The Queen of Hearts", and our Hamsters had lots of fun making their own crowns adorned with hearts that they were able to wear home!
Henrietta, Florence and Rosie's eggs are for sale, so please ask if you require some for tea!
On Friday the new School Council met for the first time, to discuss plans for the future.
Next Wednesday there is a visiting scientist, who will be giving a talk and demonstration.
Consultation Evening is on 18th October, from 5.30 - 7.30pm. Children's work will be on display and teachers will have set appointments in the Hall, should there be any queries or worries. Children are not encouraged to attend.
Year four children had a visit to a Middle School, and returned with delicious home-made pizzas. On Wednesday, Badgers went on an interesting walk around the local area.
Our Pre-School children have been learning about shapes this week, and discovering stories and songs about different shapes. A particular favourite was "The Queen of Hearts", and our Hamsters had lots of fun making their own crowns adorned with hearts that they were able to wear home!
Henrietta, Florence and Rosie's eggs are for sale, so please ask if you require some for tea!
Friday, 1 October 2010
Week Ending 1stOctober 2010
September has flown by, as we have all been extremely busy having fun and working hard. Our art pictures are almost ready to be framed, so start saving up so that you can purchase your child's work of art. The pictures will be beautifully framed, and would make ideal Christmas gifts!
Our Quiz Night on Saturday was a tremendous success. Thanks to all who helped to organise this event.
Now, on to the subject of food! The children have been treated to delicious chocolate cake at lunch. You are now probably remarking, "I thought Eaton Bray was a Healthy School." Well, the secret ingredient was beetroot... and the children loved it!
On Tuesday mornings, Hamsters have been enjoying a "Sounds Like Fun" music session with the "Music Man" from Bedfordshire Music. They have been using instruments, singing songs and playing music games. It certainly does sound like fun!
In the Main School this week, our younger children have been travelling the World with Barnaby Bear. On Thursday, Squirrels went to India on a plane, for an early Diwali celebration. That is why there were tea lights in the classroom instead of electric lights, as the children decorated the room and pathways with Rangoli patterns.
Rabbits have been exploring Aboriginal art, whilst closer to home, older children have been exploring the School grounds, with a visiting expert from the Greensand Trust.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Week Ending 24th September 2010
This week some of us have been participating in our first Sharing Assembly of the new School year. Children shared their successes and achievements with their families and other children and staff. Well done to all involved!
Some of us have been working on our art pictures for the gallery next month, so save your pennies parents, as they will be for sale, in the School Hall soon. Watch this space for exact details.
Our allotment has been diligently watered and turned over, then planted with winter cabbage, garlic and onions. At the beginning of the week the children had the opportunity to try crisps in School... beetroot flavoured of course! Our clever cook found a novel way of encouraging the children to eat beetroot... they were Simply Red... and Simply Delicious!!
Crops of potatoes, beans, peas, tomatoes, red onions and carrots have been served in School dinners, and the children have voted them "the tastiest ever!"
Some of us have been working on our art pictures for the gallery next month, so save your pennies parents, as they will be for sale, in the School Hall soon. Watch this space for exact details.
Our allotment has been diligently watered and turned over, then planted with winter cabbage, garlic and onions. At the beginning of the week the children had the opportunity to try crisps in School... beetroot flavoured of course! Our clever cook found a novel way of encouraging the children to eat beetroot... they were Simply Red... and Simply Delicious!!
Crops of potatoes, beans, peas, tomatoes, red onions and carrots have been served in School dinners, and the children have voted them "the tastiest ever!"
Friday, 17 September 2010
Week Ending 17th September 2010
This week there have been wonderful aromas circulating around our School... from plaster drying to fruit salad and vegetable soup! (Nothing like variety.) Otters had fun using a special pineapple corer, while Squirrels made delicious vegetable soup which our Cook declared was "the best I've ever tasted!" Praise indeed! Perhaps we should look into marketing it, to raise some funds. Whilst on the subject of fundraising, may it be possible for more parents out there to help with HSA activities PLEASE.
Hedgehogs have been having fun with bubble painting this week - with wonderful artistic results. Rabbits have been investigating Leonardo Da Vinci, and enjoying making the "Mona Lisa" and experimental flying machines! Badgers have been thinking about Australia and looking at Aboriginal art, which they have used as inspiration for their own fabulous pieces of art.
Our hens are still producing eggs, so do call at the office, if you wish to purchase these special fresh eggs.
Next Sharing Assembly is in the Hall at 9 o'clock on Tuesday 21st September.
Hedgehogs have been having fun with bubble painting this week - with wonderful artistic results. Rabbits have been investigating Leonardo Da Vinci, and enjoying making the "Mona Lisa" and experimental flying machines! Badgers have been thinking about Australia and looking at Aboriginal art, which they have used as inspiration for their own fabulous pieces of art.
Our hens are still producing eggs, so do call at the office, if you wish to purchase these special fresh eggs.
Next Sharing Assembly is in the Hall at 9 o'clock on Tuesday 21st September.
Friday, 10 September 2010
Week Ending 10th September 2010
Welcome back everybody - Hamsters, Hedgehogs, Otters, Squirrels, Rabbits and Badgers!
This half term, the children will be producing a piece of artwork, which will be framed and displayed for sale, in the School hall, on the 14th October, from 3.30pm - 4.30pm. They would look equally good displayed at home, or would make a lovely Christmas gift - so keep that date free.
Another date for your diaries is 13th September at 7pm, when the HSA hold their Annual General Meeting.
This week has been a little scary, due to an extra "skeleton" person, in Squirrels, nicknamed "Funnybones". Otters have visited the Trim Trail, for a sensory walk. Rabbits have produced enormous collage flowers, which will decorate their new room. Badgers have had an exciting visitor from Africa, discovering what life is like for children in Eaton Bray.
Many new children have started in Hamsters, and are enjoying participating in a wealth of new experiences. There is a new story house, where books can be shared, as well as a performing dance stage!
STOP PRESS: Pantomime at Milton Keynes will be on the 7th January 2011 - "Dick Whittington".
This half term, the children will be producing a piece of artwork, which will be framed and displayed for sale, in the School hall, on the 14th October, from 3.30pm - 4.30pm. They would look equally good displayed at home, or would make a lovely Christmas gift - so keep that date free.
Another date for your diaries is 13th September at 7pm, when the HSA hold their Annual General Meeting.
This week has been a little scary, due to an extra "skeleton" person, in Squirrels, nicknamed "Funnybones". Otters have visited the Trim Trail, for a sensory walk. Rabbits have produced enormous collage flowers, which will decorate their new room. Badgers have had an exciting visitor from Africa, discovering what life is like for children in Eaton Bray.
Many new children have started in Hamsters, and are enjoying participating in a wealth of new experiences. There is a new story house, where books can be shared, as well as a performing dance stage!
STOP PRESS: Pantomime at Milton Keynes will be on the 7th January 2011 - "Dick Whittington".
Monday, 19 July 2010
Friday, 9 July 2010
Week Ending 9th July 2010
This week our School was rather quiet on Wednesday, as our year four children went to visit their Middle Schools. We will miss them, but wish them every success for the future.
Forthcoming events:
Leavers "Tea and Tour": Monday 12th July
Whole School Open Evening: Monday 12th July
Final Sharing Assembly: Tuesday 13th July
Pre-School Induction Morning: Tuesday 13th July
Disco: Wednesday 14th July
Pre-School Induction Morning: Thursday 15th July
Sports Day: Monday 19th July
New Classes: Tuesday 20th July
Games Day: Wednesday 21st July
Forthcoming events:
Leavers "Tea and Tour": Monday 12th July
Whole School Open Evening: Monday 12th July
Final Sharing Assembly: Tuesday 13th July
Pre-School Induction Morning: Tuesday 13th July
Disco: Wednesday 14th July
Pre-School Induction Morning: Thursday 15th July
Sports Day: Monday 19th July
New Classes: Tuesday 20th July
Games Day: Wednesday 21st July
Friday, 2 July 2010
Week Ending 2nd July 2010
We are adding the "finishing touches" to our Carnival Float entry, based on the theme of "Inventions". Hopefully Saturday will be warm and dry, and a happy occasion for all participants. As a School, we have contributed to a large "jig-saw" picture, which will be on display on Saturday. Do come along and see our art work in the finished product.

Our foundation topics this week have been geography, or design and technology. Rabbits children have made puppets which will be used in English as the characters for play scripts. They also made a lava lamp, which was quite magical. Younger children have been "shopping", and enjoyed making a shop of their choice that would be beneficial to the local community... so we await a pet shop / toy shop / antique shop / jewellery shop / sports shop / party shop / charity shop!
We ate our first home grown strawberries - the tastiest berries ever, we decided!
Younger children have set up butterfly houses, and when we each have a butterfly, we will dress up in bright clothes and butterfly wings and release our fluttering friends!
Friday, 25 June 2010
Week Ending 25th June 2010
The end of a lovely, warm week, that, as usual, has been busy and exciting. Key Stage Two children enjoyed their last cooling swimming lesson, as England scored a goal! Foundation topic has been art, and now the "builders" boards are bright and colourful... adorned with gigantic collage flowers, and winged creatures that glitter and twinkle.
Some of our children have had the opportunity to visit their Middle Schools, and discover what life will be like in September, when they have moved on to pastures new.
Our hanging baskets and floral borders have "filled out" well and provide lovely splashes of colour around the School. The kitchen is being supplied with salad herbs and lettuce - imagine... picked one minute and eaten the next! On Wednesday, some parents visited for lunch, and had the treat of Yorkshire puddings made with eggs from Florence, Henrietta and Rosie!
Some of our children have had the opportunity to visit their Middle Schools, and discover what life will be like in September, when they have moved on to pastures new.
Our hanging baskets and floral borders have "filled out" well and provide lovely splashes of colour around the School. The kitchen is being supplied with salad herbs and lettuce - imagine... picked one minute and eaten the next! On Wednesday, some parents visited for lunch, and had the treat of Yorkshire puddings made with eggs from Florence, Henrietta and Rosie!
Friday, 18 June 2010
Week Ending 18th June 2010
This week, last minute preparations have been done, ready for our annual Summer Fair on Saturday. Please try to come along and share in all the fun, from 12.00 to 2.30pm. Food will be available, so cooking can be avoided this weekend, as well as considering how to occupy the children!
On Tuesday, we had a Sharing Assembly, where children from all classes talked about special work, from wood sculpture to knowing one hundred key words.
We have discovered gradually that Henrietta, Florence and Rosie enjoy eating fruit - their favourites are grapes and peaches!
This week our foundation subject has been history. An army of wounded soldiers limped into Scatari Hospital to be treated by Florence Nightingale and her nurses. Oh, don;'t worry if you have heard squeaking in School... it's only the rats from the hospital... artificial, of course!
On Tuesday, we had a Sharing Assembly, where children from all classes talked about special work, from wood sculpture to knowing one hundred key words.
We have discovered gradually that Henrietta, Florence and Rosie enjoy eating fruit - their favourites are grapes and peaches!
This week our foundation subject has been history. An army of wounded soldiers limped into Scatari Hospital to be treated by Florence Nightingale and her nurses. Oh, don;'t worry if you have heard squeaking in School... it's only the rats from the hospital... artificial, of course!
Friday, 11 June 2010
Week Ending 11th June 2010
During the holiday week, our Pre-School playground was painted with "shape and colour" train tracks, and a number snake. The children have enjoyed playing on the new additions. A new herb and sensory garden has been established, and is proving popular with little hands and noses!
The new classroom walls are getting higher each day - watch this space to find out when the ladybird roof is fitted.
This week, the children have participated in cricket, tennis and soccer. Relay training will be starting next week, and the "broom handle" batons are ready and waiting. Our grounds are being prepared for Open Gardens on Sunday. Hedges and grass are ship-shape, and borders and baskets are blooming, so do come along between 12 and 5pm, and enjoy a relaxing cream tea.
On Friday we turned green - no, not with envy, but for "Green day". Incorporated in the day: Scarecrow Making / Recycled Clothes / Fashion Show / Nature Trail / Statistics / Super Heroes!
The new classroom walls are getting higher each day - watch this space to find out when the ladybird roof is fitted.
This week, the children have participated in cricket, tennis and soccer. Relay training will be starting next week, and the "broom handle" batons are ready and waiting. Our grounds are being prepared for Open Gardens on Sunday. Hedges and grass are ship-shape, and borders and baskets are blooming, so do come along between 12 and 5pm, and enjoy a relaxing cream tea.
On Friday we turned green - no, not with envy, but for "Green day". Incorporated in the day: Scarecrow Making / Recycled Clothes / Fashion Show / Nature Trail / Statistics / Super Heroes!
Friday, 28 May 2010
Week Ending 28th May 2010
As always we have had another very busy week leading up to the half term holiday. This is how it went!!
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