Friday, 3 March 2017

Week Ending 3rd March 2017

Our value for this half term is "Trust."  On Tuesday, Foxes Class presented an assembly to the other children about what trust means, and how important it is to trust and to be trustworthy.  They illustrated their ideas with posters and a short piece of drama, and finished up with a song that everyone joined in with.

There have been lots of FOOD related activities this week, tying in with our Creative Curriculum topic for this term. Hamster Class children have been enjoying activities based around their book for this week, which is "The Little Red Hen."  They found out that corn needs water and sun to grow, and talked about how bread is made, completing their investigation by sieving flour like the miller in the story.  They also made Little Red Hen nests, and counted how many chocolate eggs they put inside!

Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day!  The children made their own pancakes, with different toppings, which they had for their snack.  They finished off the day with a pancake race!

Otters Class had a Tudor banquet on Thursday!  They made cheese tarts (including making the pastry), marzipan sweets and gingerbread.  They also had jelly and pottage - all foodstuffs that people from Tudor times would have recognised.  The children dressed as kings and queens to enjoy their feast in the classroom.  It was a busy, but very enjoyable afternoon.

Rabbits Class meanwhile, didn't eat the food that was placed in front of them - their task was to draw it!  They were presented with whole and half sections of red, orange and green peppers, and had to observe and reproduce them in charcoal.

On Friday, the whole school celebrated World Book Day, with everyone dressing up as a character from their favourite book.  Once again, parents and children put in enormous efforts to create some fantastic outfits - we had princess and pirates, witches and wizards, crocodiles and cats, and even a monkey with a bright blue bottom!  Please enjoy some photos from our fabulous fun day.