Friday, 8 June 2007

Week Ending 8th June 2007

Our first week back after half term and a busy one too! We have been so lucky this week to have a student on work experience from Vandyke Upper School. She has been working with children in every class and will be sorely missed by adults and children alike. It's been another sporty week in Badgers Class. They started their first swimming lesson at Tiddenfoot pool in Leighton Buzzard and began a block of six cricket coaching sessions on Wednesday run by a Community Cricket Coach. Two of Badgers Class took part in The Race for Life at Campbell Park, Milton Keynes on Sunday. Congratulations to them both!
A great time was had by all on the Rabbits Class trip to The Science Museum in London. It was very hands-on and the children produced some lovely reports on their return.
Finally HSA are looking forward to their Cookery Evening on Wednesday 13th June. Remember to get your tickets from the school office. All proceeds are going towards purchasing laptops for the school.