We have had a week "Down Under!" Our focus throughout this week has been Aboriginal Art. The school has lot
s of artifacts on display - the favourite being a didgeridoo, decorated with kangaroos.

Badgers Class made and decorated their own didgeridoos, which will soon be on display in the main corridor. They worked to music, as they completed intricate patterns. We all wondered why their classroom tables were "legs up" in the afternoon, then we discovered they popped their cylinders over the legs to paint and decorate - ingenious!
Hedgehogs and Squirrels had fun with boomerangs, whilst Rabbits have been following signs and going on amazing journeys...
On Wednesday, Badgers had their first session of tag rugby, and amazingly, the weather stayed dry!
Friday afternoon means our first set of "Choices" for this term: Travel, Science, Indoor Gardening, Graphic Design and German.
Our new addition of the week is a smart new signpost - no excuses for getting lost now!