If you are a Mum, please do not read this first paragraph! On Friday, the children could purchase a gift for their Mum, to give on Mother's day. The children found it hard to choose, as there was a lovely variety of gifts - edible, jewellery, toiletries, plants - all gift-wrapped. This week, everybody has been busily making Mother's Day cards, ranging in shapes from daffodils, tea-pots, hearts and dangling beads.

Yes Mums, you may start reading from here!
Our pond is looking wonderful again. We had forgotten how large it is! Lots of the children have already visited it, and some Badgers even rescued "Brian the Frog!" The next stage is painting the fence and shelter.

Our allotment is now planted with potatoes, leeks and carrots. The children have also planted nasturtiums, as a decoy from the vegetables, for all the munching, crunching predators out there! Rhubarb and strawberries are also flourishing, and our cook is looking forward to using them in her splendid desserts. How many of you out there saw our cook on television? Yes, once again, first prize for her delicious Italian turkey main dish. Well done! Next year, she is hoping to use mostly School-grown produce, so keep up the gardening children!
And now, a warning for all the animals at Woburn Safari Park! We are all visiting at the end of term, and looking forward to producing art work related to our visit next term.