Friday, 29 June 2018

Week Ending 29th June 2018

What glorious weather we've had this weekend.  Just right for play times on the field, outdoor learning and summer sports!

The week started with a musical celebration, with singing, ukulele and cahon drum performances, violin and vocal solos.  This was all in honour of Mrs Copeland, who, after sixteen years of teaching music and singing at EBA, is retiring this month.  We will all miss her very much, and it will feel strange not to hear her joyous singing echoing through the corridors next term, but wish her a happy and relaxing retirement.  We hope she enjoyed her musical send-off!


On Wednesday, a group of Year Four and Year Five children came into school very excited, as they were setting off on a three day residential trip.  Their destination was Kingswood in Staffordshire, where they were staying at an outdoor activities centre.

The itinerary for their stay included abseiling, high ropes, archery, obstacle courses, mini Olympics, orienteering and much more!  The weather remained warm and sunny, allowing the children to really make the most of their few days of fun and adventure, returning to school on Friday afternoon, tired and happy.  What a lovely time they have had.





Back at school, everyone has remained very busy, with jobs in preparation for the village carnival float being distributed, and plans for the EBA Enterprise Fair, and our school summer fundraiser being finalised.  Don't forget to put these important dates in your diary: EBA Enterprise Fair - Thursday 5th July, 3.00 - 4.15pm; Village Carnival - Saturday 7th July; EBA Summer Fundraiser - Friday 13th July, 3.30 - 5.30pm.

The Badger and Foxes children that remained at school had a fun week.  One of their tasks was to plan an imaginary World Cup party!  They were given a hypothetical budget of £20, and had to research and cost out their celebration, make posters and then present their proposed event to the rest of the class.  

Squirrels Class had an interesting homework task this week.  They were asked to choose where they would most like to go in the world, and to write, draw or create a display about what they would see there.  They all put a lot of effort into the task, and produced some really impressive work which they shared with their classmates.  Several of the children expressed a wish to venture to places where they would encounter volcanoes, with a couple of children creating models of volcanoes which actually erupted!

Next week will be another busy week, with day trips planned for Squirrels, Rabbits and Badgers Class, Year Six children visiting their new schools, and a visit to school from a book illustrator on Wednesday!