Friday, 27 February 2015

Week Ending 27th February 2015

Welcome back!

Hope everyone had a lovely, relaxing holiday... now count down to EASTER!

Our children returned to school to find an exciting new addition to our school dining hall - a special "Party Room" where children who are celebrating a special event - such as their birthday or a school award - can sit to eat their dinner.  Decorated with the children's colourful self-portraits as well as bunting and table decorations, this lovely space will make lunch times extra special for everyone who gets the opportunity to enjoy it!

Foxes and Badgers children have continued their EBA Enterprise Masterchef sessions, and have cooked up some fantastic recipes!  Please enjoy some foodie photos...


Dates for your diary:

International Week: 2nd - 5th March
World Book Day: 6th March
Hedgehogs, KS1 and Rabbits Disco: 17th March
Badgers, Foxes and Deer Beetle Drive and Buffet: 19th March
Parents' Consultation Evening: 23rd March and 25th March
"Make A Wish" Sponsored Walk: 27th March
Easter Holiday: 27th March for two weeks
St George's Day English Breakfast: 23rd April