The highlight of the week (so the children say) was the arrival of snow, on Tuesday. It's amazing what children can model from a white fluffy material!

We have been busily putting the finishing touches to our Concert and Choir events, and are looking forward to seeing lots of visitors, who we hope will enjoy the mince pies and warm drinks.
This week, younger children have been thinking about special times in the past, including the "Christmas Story."
Badgers Class have been looking at Henry VIII, Drake and the Spanish Armada. Hamsters have been celebrating St Andrew's Day, with Scottish flags, as well as making lots of Christmas decorations.
Our School Fayre was well attended, and the stalls and activities were busy all afternoon. As usual, the food was very popular, and as tasty as ever. Our "food" helpers do have competition though, as our "Ice a Biscuit" proved very popular. The children made sure that their biscuits had more icing than any bought in a baker's shop!! Santa's Grotto was busy, and now children are eagerly awaiting their gifts on Christmas Day, which only Father Christmas knows about...