On Tuesday our hall was very busy, as we held our first Sharing Assembly of 2009. Children from all classes proudly shared their achievements.
Hamsters and Hedgehogs have been celebrating the Chinese New Year. Our Nursery is now guarded by a large green dragon!
Afternoon subject this week has been science. Squirrels Class held lessons in a toy shop, and discovered how toys moved. Rabbits kindly shared their wind-up Incy Wincy spiders, who sneakily climbed up and down their water spouts! Rabbits have been learning about the changing states of materials, and discovered that ice cubes melt more quickly next to the radiator, than they do when left out in the cold playground! There was also a tasty toast aroma coming from their classroom on Wednesday, when they learnt about how bread changes when heated! Badgers have been investigating insulators (I wonder if this is why the zebra fur covering Squirrels' big chair has suddenly shrunk in length!)
On Friday, we had a special Assembly about our E.B.L.S "Flat Eaton" (based on the "Flat Stanley" project). We all decorated individual pictures, and took them home, to be sent off around the world. We await their return, along with responses about various topics. A map of the world in the Hall will chart destinations.
Our next event, remember, is History Day, on the thirteenth of February, so don't panic if you spot Egyptians, Kings and Queens, or people and creatures from the seventeenth century, in the village!