Friday, 18 January 2008

Week Ending 18th January 2008

This week has focused on Geography. In Squirrels and Hedgehogs the theme has been weather. Fortunately the weather was kind and we had a variety of sun, rain and wind - perfect for testing out kites and windmills. The children were also hopeful that they would experience snow, but they had to compromise with effects on the white boards!

On Tuesday evening the school held a full Governors' Meeting. On leaving the school, there was the experience of another weather type, as car windscreens had to be defrosted!

Our "Choices" afternoon had a range of exciting activities: making bookmarks, examining non-fiction texts, making musical instruments, historical investigations online, drama, and writing "for the post box".

Our Nursery is progressing steadily and next week the crane is arriving to insert the steel roof supports. The carpenters will then be able to proceed with the next stage. How exciting!