Doesn't it seem strange to have had a "snow free" week! We can now see our bulbs in the entrance gardens peeping through, and enjoying a little bit of colour from the pansies in pots.
This week, younger children have focused on printing, linked to flowers and ... can you believe it ... BREAD!! It's amazing how well a slice of bread can make a print on paper. Older children have completed their art work, culminating in a Chinese Dragon parading in and out the classrooms, to the delight of both children and adults. It will be suspended from Rabbits Class ceiling, next week, so look out for those sheepskin eyebrows and sharp teeth.
Our School has won a Healthy Schools Competition, and we are looking forward to the prize which consists of cookery demonstrations, for all, from smoothies to stir fries! You children may be treating you to dinner soon.)
The next special event is History Day, on the eighth of February, when a historian will visit, with a selection of medieval artifacts for us all to investigate. On this occasion we will all be dressed as kings or queens, so Eaton Bray will be very regal next month.