A busy time, as the end of the Summer Term looms closer, to be followed hopefully by a relaxing holiday for all.

This week key stage one children took their bears on a plane journey to Spain, which included flamenco dancing, accompanied by castanets and Spanish guitar, as well as breaks for refreshments at the orange and lemon groves! (Some children said "This is the best orange juice ever!") It wa
s the ideal opportunity to make fans, to combat both the heat here and in Spain!
Older children have been investigating the rain forest, with its many layers, which provided background knowledge for their geography topic.
P.E. activities this week have included swimming, tag rugby, and multi skills.
This week the children have tucked into new potatoes and potato salad, thanks to our crop of "wonders" from our allotment. The children love watering and have been amazed to discover how much water one pumpkin or hanging basket can absorb.
Hope to see you on Saturday at the Village Carnival - do come and wave at EBLS pirates, and support your village, as we do here!
This week key stage one children took their bears on a plane journey to Spain, which included flamenco dancing, accompanied by castanets and Spanish guitar, as well as breaks for refreshments at the orange and lemon groves! (Some children said "This is the best orange juice ever!") It wa
Older children have been investigating the rain forest, with its many layers, which provided background knowledge for their geography topic.
P.E. activities this week have included swimming, tag rugby, and multi skills.
This week the children have tucked into new potatoes and potato salad, thanks to our crop of "wonders" from our allotment. The children love watering and have been amazed to discover how much water one pumpkin or hanging basket can absorb.
Hope to see you on Saturday at the Village Carnival - do come and wave at EBLS pirates, and support your village, as we do here!