Friday, 18 October 2013

Week Ending 18th October 2013

This week has been extra busy, due to an open afternoon on Tuesday, when many parents came to share their children's achievements, and admire the lovely bright classrooms and corridors.

On Wednesday, parents came to the second Sharing Assembly of the term, and the hall was very busy, with well-behaved audience and children! There was a wide range of work, from Hamsters to Foxes, and even a couple of tiny tots who "just felt like coming up to the front!" In the evening there was a Consultation Evening, when parents had the opportunity to discuss their children's progress with the class teachers.

On Friday, Otters had a lot of fun when they participated in the "Tour de Eaton Bray!"  Everyone brought in their bike or scooter and whizzed around the playground on their chosen mode of transport, putting into practice all they had learnt about forces and movement. What a great way to demonstrate Science through our Creative Curriculum.  Hedgehogs Class were on hand as "Hedgehogs Garage" - just in case anyone needed any vehicle maintenance or first aid!

Next week is our School trip to Duxford, for the whole of the Main School. Coaches will leave after registrtion, and there will be work shops, talks, visits to the many hangars, and a visit to the shop and play area. The lunch facilities are superb, and the areas are well organised and time tabled.

School breaks up for half term on Friday 25th October.  Look out next week for a photo selection of "Duxford with EBA."  Enjoy a restful half term week!

Reminder: Open Morning - 6th November.