Friday, 28 February 2014

Week Ending 28th February 2014

Everyone seems to be very pleased to be back into term-time routine, after the half term break.  A new range of Choices has started, offering some new activities, such as origami and picture framing, as well as old favourites like cookery and science.

On Wednesday evening there was a meeting of parents of present Year Four children, who will continue attending our Academy into Year Five. It was a very positive meeting for both staff and parents.

We continue working towards gaining PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark) status, and should achieve our award this year.

Next Wednesday, is our Sharing Assembly, so do come along, if you have a child who is participating, and support their achievements. It is held in the Hall at 9am.  Next Friday is our EBA World Book Day, where the theme will be "Water".

In a few weeks there will be an opportunity for our older children to compete in County Hockey Trials - the first time EBA have been able to participate. We continually endeavour to extend our curriculum and offer an innovative education for all.