Welcome to the new school year at Eaton Bray Academy!
We hope that you have all had an enjoyable summer and made the most of the lovely weather. Those that attended our Back to School Barbecue last weekend certainly did - with great live music, fun and games on the field, and of course, superb barbecue food! Many thanks to the HSA for organising this lovely event, and to our wonderful band of parents and professional musicians, who entertained us with a variety of suitable summer songs and melodies.
This is a very exciting time for us, as this term, we say hello to our very first Year Five children. Don't they look smart in their brand new uniforms?
We also have a new structure in the playground! A wooden "Chatterbox" to replace the one that was removed when the building work started. It provides a lovely shelter and play space for the children and, as you can see, doubles as an outdoor stage, so you can look forward to the first EBA open air performances of Shakespeare soon...
We have many events and activities organised for this term, including of course our whole school trip to Duxford on 23rd October. Watch this space for more information!