Friday, 28 November 2008

Week Ending 28th November 2008

Our School is beginning to look very festive. "Peter Pan" welcomes visitors at the main entrance, whilst "Tinkerbell" and her fairy friends are fluttering further along the entrance corridor. The main corridor has a range of boards portraying scenes from the fairy tale, ranging from a ferocious crocodile to night time scenes of moonbeams and magic!

As well as decorating the School main areas, we have worked hard on geography this week, using maps and globes to trace journeys for Barnaby Bear. Badgers have studied detailed maps on local routes, and worked out their own keys for specific features.

The next couple of weeks are going to be extremely busy, but hopefully great fun for us all! Key Stage Two children will perform as "EBLS Simply Red Choir" on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from six o'clock until seven o'clock. Food will be available at the interval. The following week, on the 8th and 9th, Key Stage One children will perform their Concert called "Mary's Knitting". It is a singing/dancing and acting bonanza, including a flock of sheep who provide the blanket that Mary is knitting for Baby Jesus.

On Saturday, we hold our "Christmas Fair", in the School, from twelve o'clock until two thirty. father Christmas is our very special visitor. Do come along if you feel like fun, food and festive feelings!