Friday, 6 November 2009

Week Ending 6th November 2009

Welcome back everybody!

This week Staff had a morning of "Fire Training", so if anyone saw flames in the playground, don't panic, we efficiently used the hoses and fire blankets!!

On Wednesday we had a Governor visit, focusing on Literacy. The children enjoyed sharing ERR sessions / direct speech / report writing techniques.

Our photographer came to School on Thursday and Friday, so the hall was full of extremely happy faces!

We are beginning to think about Christmas, and our children are already practising songs, in preparation for our whole School visit to St Mary's Church, in December. It should be a very special Christmas evening for all parents and children who join us.

This week we have also been planning the layout for two special flower beds, by the entrance to the Church. Our School is going to plan, plant and persevere with their ongoing maintenance. Watch this space for more details!