The weather has remained beautiful this week, so we have been making the most of the autumn sunshine and warm temperatures with lots of outdoor activities.
On Monday we had Sports Day for our older children in Badgers, Foxes and Deer Classes. Parents came to watch, as the children took part in hurdles and relay races, sprints, and the now traditional cross country events, which include courses of a quarter mile, half mile, and a mile. A full report of the afternoon's activities, plus plenty of photos and the results table will appear soon on our website, so keep your eye on the Sports and PE page, but here are a few pictures to be going on with.
On Wednesday, a group of children from Squirrels Class took a trip down to St Mary's Church in Eaton Bray, to distribute harvest gifts for the Food Bank. They traveled down by minibus, driven by Mrs Matthews, which was quite exciting for these younger children! The Vicar spoke to them about the Harvest Festival, and about how important it is to help others.
On Thursday, we held the first of our Class Assemblies. Our oldest children in Deer Class spoke about what they have been learning this term, and gave a presentation about their recent trip to Bletchley Park. They made use of the new Hall whiteboard and projector, using it to show a film that they made of their visit. Parents were invited to attend, and afterwards were able to stay and enjoy a cup of tea and some home made cake! We hope everyone who came along enjoyed the morning.
On Friday afternoon, the Year 6 EBA Enterprise team set up a stall in the playground after school, selling their home made damson jam and a delicious selection of cakes and biscuits. The stall was very busy and plenty of money changed hands! This will go into their fundraising pot, to be put towards their trip to France in the Spring of next year.
Meanwhile, the Year 5 EBA Enterprise children learnt bread making skills with Mr Wallis. Next week they will have a "technical challenge", where they will have to design a dish with a given list of ingredients...
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!