Friday, 25 April 2014

Week Ending 25th April 2014

The Spring Term ended at Eaton Bray Academy, with a couple of lovely occasions to celebrate Easter. The Home School Assocation organised an Easter Egg Hunt for all the family, which was well attended and lots of fun! Then, on the last day of term, our Year 4 and 5 children hosted an Easter Afternoon Tea for parents, as part of their EBA Enterprise. Parents were treated to tea and delicious home made cakes, and had the opportunity to purchase hand made Easter gifts and try their luck in a chocolate raffle. All profits from this event will be reinvested, and used to fund the children's next exciting (egg-citing?) Enterprise project.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Afternoon Tea

The first week of the Summer Term has whizzed by, with the help of some warm sunshine!

On Wednesday evening there was a talk on mathematics at E.B.A. for Key Stage 2 parents, so hopefully now all our parents can happily help with this at home, when necessary. Our ENR (Early Number Research) provides an invaluable start to this core area of learning.

Our topic for this term is "Global Gardens". This term, younger children will be going on their school trip , so watch this space for details.

The allotment has been planted up with vegetables, that are just beginning to sprout. The intention is that the produce will be used towards the end of term, either in the kitchen, or in classes where the children will design and then make their own healthy meals.

A new set of Choices has started, and these include: Storysacks, Textiles, Golf, Papercraft, Orienteering,
Outdoor Adventure, Jobs People Do, Newsletter Club, Music, Cookery, Sports and Science.  This week we enjoyed a visit from the ladies from the Stray Cat Rescue Centre, who brought cats and kittens for the children to meet.