Friday, 10 July 2015
Week Ending 10th July 2015
What a busy, busy week - perhaps the busiest week ever for Eaton Bray Academy!
Saturday saw the village carnival, when schools and community groups from around the area got together for a colourful procession through the village. It was a lovely day, enjoyed by all.
On Monday, parents of children in Badgers class were invited in to school for a special French Breakfast. They enjoyed croissants, brioches, pains au chocolat and fruit juice. The children had the opportunity to use some of the French vocabulary that they have learnt, and were delighted to serve their parents in "Le Cafe Francais"
Also on Monday, we had the first of two visits to Kidzania, for children in Reception, Year 1 and 2. What a fantastic, but very busy place! Children had the opportunity to experience the world of work in a child sized town - they were able to be doctors, chefs, hairdressers, shop assistants, fire fighters, racing car mechanics... The "money" they earned could then be spent in the shop. For more information about Kidzania please click here.
While the younger children were away, Year 4 children enjoyed a sports session with a parent who takes part in triathlons, who kindly gave his time to coach them in shot put and other athletic skills.
Staying with sport, on Tuesday, a group of our Year 5 children went to a Sports Festival at Queensbury Academy in Dunstable. Here they took part in various sporting activities, including football, hockey, javelin and hurdles.
On Wednesday, it was Key Stage 2 children's turn to go to Kidzania. There was additional excitement for these children, when having arrived and eaten an early lunch, the fire alarm went off, and the whole of Kidzania and the Westfield Shopping Centre had to be evacuated! Apparently, a suspected WWII bomb had been unearthed at a nearby building site, and the whole area was cordoned off while the police and bomb disposal experts dealt with it!
Our children were all very sensible and extremely well behaved while this was all going on, and waited patiently until we were told that it was safe to return to the building. In the meantime, many of the other school parties that had planned to spend the day at Kidzania, had gone home, so our children found that they had the place almost to themselves! This meant no queues, and lots of time for activities for everyone to enjoy!
A very exciting day, and we even made the national papers! Can you spot us in the Daily Mail?
Please enjoy a slideshow of photos from both days at Kidzania: