Friday, 28 June 2013
Week Ending 28th June 2013
This week everyone has been busy making items for the Village Carnival. we will, as usual, have a float, based on the theme of "Doctor Who" (no more details as it's top secret until the DAY!)
It's been National Sports Week, so sporty visitors have been to our School. Tennis coaches came to install a love for the game in young children (during Wimbledon Week!) and our golf professional spent the day with most of the classes, in turn.
On Wednesday, a team from Sainsbury's came to talk to KS1 and KS2 children about healthy foods. The children were treated to delicious fruit kebabs, which they all helped to prepare, and pop on to gigantic skewers - think they probably had "Twenty a Day!" Thank you to Sainsbury's for this treat
Hamsters have also enjoyed preparing tasty snacks - toast and marmalade, banana smoothies, mini pizzas... all for their "Hamsters' Cafe," which has been open for business this week.
Despite the rain on Saturday, the Summer Fayre was well attended and made a healthy profit. Thanks to ALL who HELPED to make this a special, enjoyable day.
Date for your diary: Open Afternoon 9th July, 3.30 - 5.00pm.