Friday, 26 October 2012

Week Ending 26th October 2012

The week culminated with our "Primary Status" Celebration Day.  Staff and children came dressed in primary colours (red, blue, yellow) and had a colourful picnic in the hall.  The day was very exciting, with science experiments, based on colour, home-baking in the kitchen, using very sophisticated equipment, and a very special episode of EBA Dragons' Den!  Look out for pictures and reports in the local press.

Dates to remember for the rest of the year:

* 5th November - Inset Day
*10th December - KS1 Christmas Concert
* 12th December - KS2 Pantomime (evening performance)
*13th December - KS2 Pantomime (afternoon performance)
*17th December - Hedgehogs/Otters/Squirrels Party
* 18th December - Christmas Lunch
* 19th December - Rabbits/Badgers Party
* 20th December - Games Day
* 21st December - Milton Keynes Theatre Pantomime