Friday, 12 February 2010

Week Ending 12th February 2010

As we rapidly approach half term, here are just a few of the exciting things we have done this week:

Homework Club: This runs three times a week at lunch times. The children love to come along, and enjoy drawing, reading, playing games and other indoor activities. They often appreciate a change from outdoor play, especially at this very cold time of year!

Monday: History Day
Everyone looked marvellous and had put a lot of effort into their costumes. We had a wonderful day, with a very interesting talk about medieval life, from a visiting historian, who brought along examples of tools, weapons and toys that people would have used in those long ago times.

Tuesday: Cookery Demonstration

Part of the first prize for our winning entry in a competition. We enjoyed fruit smoothies and stir fry tasting.

Wednesday: "Mike" the Engine!
Hamsters have christened their new engine "Mike". He had his face painted today... (photos to follow!)
Thursday: World Book Day plans
Each class has announced its chosen author, so that costumes can be planned for 1st March.
Friday: Sy Mary's Village Carnival plans
Our "top secret" theme has been decided...!!
Enjoy half term. How many of you can keep a diary for each day, and bring it to School on the first day back to share with us all?