This week has seemed extra long, probably due to the fact that last week end was very busy - Summer Fair, on Saturday, and Open Gardens on Sunday! Our Fair was well attended, and everyone seemed to have an enjoyable time. We were flattered by the lovely positive comments about our grounds and School, and are already considering what our next project will be. Some of the gentlemen visitors wanted to know how our onions and cabbages are so big! Cabbages, beans, herbs and strawberries have been picked, and used in School dinners this week. On Thursday,
we had a "lunch for Dads", to celebrate Father's Day.
Tuesday was a busy day, with interviews for two new members of staff in the morning. The afternoon was busy too, involving a dash to "Tiggywinkles" wildlife hospital, with a dehydrated hedgehog found in our grounds. Thanks you to our School secretary, who will keep us updated with the hedgehog's progress.
Our key stage two pupils have participated in netball and swimming this week, whilst our key stage one pupils have experienced ball skills, tennis and tag rugby.
The foundation topics this week have been art or design and technology. Key stage one pupils have investigated natural objects, and went for a "Leaf Walk" which incorporated gathering natural objects on their green leaves. Key stage two pupils have been making gifts for guests at their Tea and Tour afternoon, for Leavers' parents. (TOP SECRET, SO NO MORE DETAILS!)
On Friday we held "Bring A Bear Day", and collected a substantial amount for Charity. Also on Friday, we had a specialist soccer instructor, to give information about possible sessions next term. So all in all, we're "on the ball!"