Friday, 19 December 2014

Week Ending 19th December 2014

The end of term is here!

Here are a selection of photos of things that we have been enjoying this week:

Key Stage Two Christmas Carol Concert

EBA Enterprise End of Term Picnic

Christmas Parties

Year 5 and 6 Cinema Trip

Year 5 and 6 having fun

EBA Talent Show

Fun in Otters Class

Christmas Dinner


Friday, 12 December 2014

Week Ending 12th December 2014

What a fantastic, fun and festive week! We are well and truly into the spirit of Christmas now...

Years 5 and 6 had their second EBA Restaurant night on Friday:

Squirrels had a lovely day at Dell Farm on Monday:

On Wednesday, some of the older children went to All Saints Academy to take part in a tag rugby tournament. EBA defended themselves well against some far more experienced teams, playing in almost complete darkness - all you could see of them was their hi-vis waistcoats.  Some of the teams were a little rough... but our children did not retaliate - we were very proud of them!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the EBA School Shop is open for business. This week they have been selling all sorts of Christmas gifts and goodies:

Hamster Class have being doing lots of Christmas crafts, and making their room look cheerful and festive:

The big events of this week of course, were the Christmas Concerts.  Hamsters had their Christmas "Sing-Along" on Thursday, and Hedgehogs, Otters and Squirrels performances of "Little Blue Star" took place on Tuesday and Thursday.  Please enjoy our slideshow of photos:

The Key Stage 2 concert takes place on Friday night at St Mary's Church, Eaton Bray. We hope everybody that comes along will enjoy the children's singing, and join in with the traditional carols!

Friday, 5 December 2014

Week Ending 5th December 2014

What a busy week we have all had!  As well as rehearsals for the Christmas Concerts, the children have been enjoying all sorts of exciting Christmas events.

On Monday, Hedgehogs Class went off in the minibus to Dell Farm, an outdoor education centre near Whipsnade Zoo, to take part in a Nativity Day.  This involved meeting the farm animals, making Christmas crafts, having a picnic lunch, then re-enacting the Nativity story with real live animals in a farmyard barn setting!  It was Otters turn on Thursday, and Squirrels will be going next Monday.  Everyone agreed that it was a really special way to celebrate Christmas, and something that the children will always remember.

Tuesday night was the first of our two EBA Enterprise Restaurant evenings.  The Year 5 and 6 children have worked so hard to produce a fantastic "real restaurant" experience for their parents. Everyone was greeted by the Maitre d' and offered pre-dinner nibbles, before being shown to their table by their waiter. The waiters explained the menu to their guests - just like in all the best high class restaurants - and diners enjoyed the beautifully cooked food!  There were many compliments to the chefs... Between courses, parents were treated to musical entertainment.  Friday night is the second Restaurant Evening, and the children are looking forward to doing it all over again.

On Thursday, the whole School walked to St Mary’s Church for a Christingle service.  The children listened to the vicar talk about the meaning of Christmas and there was time for some lovely singing, before everyone held a Christingle - an orange, with a flickering candle.  The beauty of the church lit by candlelight, and the looks of awe on the children's faces made it a very moving afternoon.